Best Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery in Siliguri

Slim Fit Clinic, Paramount Hospital Mangal Pandey Road, Khalpara, Siliguri 734001 +91 82500 12891

Is Lip Augmentation Make You Look Youthful?

Lip augmentation is a surgical procedure that transforms thin lips into thicker ones to give the appearance of younger lips. Lip augmentation is a type of cosmetic surgery in which some procedures require small incisions that last for a long time while others are non-surgical and only temporary.

If you want to improve or correct your looks and appearance, consult your best plastic surgeon for lip augmentation in Siliguri. Your cosmetic surgeon injects hyaluronic acid fillers or your own fat into your lips for a fuller appearance. After understanding your goals, your doctor might recommend you an accurate lip augmentation procedure for you.

Lip Augmentation: Types

Lip augmentation is categorized into four types which include:

  • Lip implants
  • Lip fillers
  • Fat grafting
  • Lip lift

Lip Augmentation: Preparation

Follow your doctor’s advice completely before surgery. Stop smoking completely and take blood thinner before a few weeks of surgery. Avoid totally all herbal drugs, multivitamins, fish oil, and aspirin also.

Lip Augmentation: Procedure

Your doctor uses local anesthesia to avoid pain during the operation. You are conscious during surgery. If any area needs plastic surgery then general anesthesia is given. Below are discussed all types of lip augmentation processes for you. Choose one with the guidance of your cosmetics surgeon according to your goal:
Lip Filler

With the help of an injection, lip filler is inserted into your lips. The injection takes 10 to 30 minutes to complete the process.

Fat Transfer

In the fat transfer process, your doctor uses a liposuction system to take fat from the belly area. After purifying it the fat is injected into your lips. The process needs 60 to 90 minutes overall.

Lip Implantation

During the lip implantation process your plastic surgeon do a small incision in both sides of your mouth. After completing surgery it can be stitched.

Lip-Lifting Process

In the lip-lifting process, your plastic surgeon does an incision under your nose and swipes a strip of skin from the place. Lifting your upper lip and stitching the area.

Lip Augmentation: Risks

Discuss with your cosmetic surgeon about the complications of the procedure and how to get rid of it. Surgical lip augmentation has more complications than non-surgical lip augmentation. Some general risks of lip augmentation are:

  • Bleeding
  • Skin discoloration
  • Redness and itchiness
  • Infection
  • Uneven lips
  • Inflammation
  • Lip petrifying
  • Stiffing lips

Lip Augmentation: Result

Both surgical and non-surgical processes are used in lip augmentation. Your recovery depends on which type of lip augmentation you choose.

Generally, lip fillers require only a few days to be cured while surgical lip augmentation requires almost a month to be recovered.Follow your doctor's advice carefully and rely on lip augmentation in Siliguri.

Surgical lip augmentation is a permanent process that adds volume to your lips. Your cosmetic surgeon will support to choose which process is appropriate for you. Many people use this process to look youthful.


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